What is a Page Rank?
Page Rank is an algorithm introduced by Google Search Engine to rank websites in SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Positions). Page Rank is a technique to measure the importance of web pages. Page Rank was names after Lary Page, one of the founders of Google.
How Page Rank is calculated?
A Page Rank of a webpage is based on incoming links, but not just on the number of links – quality and relevance are also crucial about the incoming links.
For Example: An incoming link from Page A to Page B is interpreted as a vote by page A to Page B. Google not only looks at number of votes; it also analyzes 100 other aspects of page that casts the vote. Though these aspects are not considered when Page Rank is calculated.
How can I check my Page Rank?
There are several website to check Page Rank. The popular one is http://www.prchecker.info. You can also install Google Toolbar in Browsers to check Page Rank.
Where do I stand with PR?
The Google Page Rank goes from 0 – the worst, to 10 – the best.
Remember: In above bulls Eye, you are watching only 0 – 7 and the reason is that Page Rank 8, 9 and 10 are about impossible to attain.
Few Facts about Page Rank
- It is based upon incoming links. Quality and relevance of links is also of importance.
- Bad incoming links do not have impact on Page Rank.
- Quality Content doesn’t attributes to Page Rank.
- Page Rank is not meant for website but for individual web page.
- All inbound links are crucial except banned or suspended sites.
- Each Page Rank level is gradually harder to achieve.
- Page Rank runs between 0-10. 0 is worst and 10 is best.
- Google calculates PR permanently and updates this algorithm after every few months.
How can I get PR for my website?
Just get as many incoming links from different domains (websites) to your web page. You can get it by blog commenting, forum participation, Answering questions on Yahoo, Directory Submission, Social Bookmarking, Link Exchange, etc.
Do not spam, be genuine, and be natural.
Google Page Rank Update: December 6, 2013
Much awaited Google Toolbar Page Rank update finally rolled out December 6, 2013 3:00 AM IST. This update was shocking for webmasters and SEOs as no one expected it in 2013. Hope you remember, Google’s last Page Rank Update which was 10 months ago i.e. February 4, 2013. Google usually don’t push out Page Rank update frequently. The key reason behind this Google Toolbar Page Rank Update on 6th December 2013 is estimated to be the priority to Page Rank by Google. Might be the executives, upper management and Lary Page don’t want Page Rank to go away after all.
Note: Though Page Rank is an outdated and less important factor but still is a part of the algorithm.
Useful Video about Page Rank by Matt Cutts, Head of Google’s Webspam Team
Did you check your Page Rank?
Now, when you have come across this recent Google Toolbar Page Rank update on 6 December 2013, for sure you also have checked your Page Rank. Please do share your experience after this update in below comments. Best Wishes!!