What is a Forum?
An Internet forum or a message board is an online platform where people can exchange their ideas and views about a particular issue. A forum is sometimes also referred to as a message board or bulletin board.
An internet forum differs from a blog. A blog is usually written by one or few users whereas a forum usually allows all its users to start new topics (usually called as threads).
An internet forum differs from a chat room. In chat room, usually all members/users communicate concurrently whereas forum members can see messages only when they log on. Moreover, forums are usually having a specific topic to discuss upon.
What is the importance of a Forum?
An internet forum is a virtual community which share and chat about the same interests and passions. Thus, forum is an ideal place to listen and comprehend to people’s explicit needs and issues and help them by supplying valuable suggestions and answers.
Reasons to participate in forums
Trust: Forums are probably the best place to win hearts and develop trust in people. When you help people in their issues, they by human nature start recommending you and you start making affiliate sales. The greater you mingle in forums and assist members in their problems; the great degree of trust they start developing for you. And gradually it becomes easy for you to make new sales.
Backlinks: Majority of forums permits members to add backlinks to their website in signatures. More the number of backlinks you get from websites more are the chances to get high on SERPs. Answering to the threads is a natural way to build easy and fast backlinks.
Publicity: When you actively participate in forum discussion, it helps you to build your brand identity. The more you help members in their queries, more are the chances that you get renown among crowd. The people you helped will definitely try to know more about you visiting your website via signature / resource box. This will significantly drive traffic to your website.
The search engine giant “GOOGLE” also promotes the blogs and websites who shares knowledge and information; no matter be it via a forums or blogs. So, if you share your views on forums while dropping backlinks in signature, you are for sure going to get rankings on SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages).
Most popular Internet forums are: